
Governments Urged to Protect Poorest Against Modern Slavery

In this UN news story, we’re sad to see more of the same… Standard practices in development continue to fail to listen to those whose voices matter most. With financing in development already in a slowdown before the pandemic, now, according to the UN independent human rights expert on the right to development, Saad Alfarargi:

 "Communities across the globe report that they are not being involved as decision makers from the start of discussions surrounding which development projects to finance. On the contrary (he added) development banks, governments and companies often propose projects without their input."

And now, in the context of COVID-19 communities are even more at risk. The UN are taking note of the risks of governments easing labour rights as a quick fix to economic concerns, worried that "there is an acute risk that the poorest will be pushed into bonded labour, forced labour or other contemporary forms of slavery for survival." 

More jobs, more rights for workers, less poverty!


This article was published in UN News on September 16, 2020.