
COVID-19: Female Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries

Image from the article on Borgen Magazine

Image from the article on Borgen Magazine

Even Borgen Magazine says #BusinessIsBetter.

Just check out this article. #BusinessISBetter. Exactly how Alternativ has seen women and other former program graduates all over the world rapidly adjust their business models to serve their communities in times of crisis, this article looks closer at the evolving roles of female entrepreneurs in developing nations. Key Quotes:

“The informal economy (industries such as hospitality, custodial services, cooking and eldercare) employs up to 70% of women working in developing countries.”

”One of the most effective preventative solutions for COVID-19 is also a way to aid vulnerable women: getting cash to female entrepreneurs in developing countries.”

”Supporting female workers and investing in women’s entrepreneurial ventures directly helps contain the COVID-19 pandemic.”

From the Borgen Project Magazine on August, 18 2020.

How “Made in Rwanda” is breathing life into Kigali’s fashion scene

Rwanda’s economy being mostly about subsistence agriculture and tourism might be disturbed by the new high end fashion wave gaining the country. With the creation of multiple highly technical fashion houses, Rwanda proves to the world its unique flair and growing appetite for economic growth. Read and discover how this small country in Central East Africa rivals with developed countries in the fashion world.

Article from Quartz Africa by Abdi Latif Dahir, May 25th 2019