Alternativ Global Entrepreneurs - Business Skills Training and Mentorship to End Poverty Around the World

It's time for an alternative to charity, an alternative to dependence, and an alternative to poverty.

This is Alternativ and here's how we work.


WE Partner.


train trainers.

You Deliver business essentials.

It is through this partnering approach, we are able to come alongside those on the ground to best support, encourage, and ignite entrepreneurs all around the world. 


"Now I understand that though I will have obstacles, I can overcome them."

But supporting local entrepreneurs around the world can't be done alone. We need your help.

Here's how to get involved.


Get Informed.

Learn more about who we are and what we do!


Support entrepreneurs around the globe in starting, jump-starting, and maintaining their businesses.

be equipped.

Find us at one of our next Train-the-Trainers and learn how to utilize our Business Essentials Program.


Are you a non-profit, business, or individual looking to ignite entrepreneurs in your circle? If so, learn more about partnering.


Are you in school? Interested in learning more about what we do? Consider interning!


Your time and energy is valuable! Use your gifts to support real entrepreneurs.