Business Essentials Program

The Business Essentials program is comprised of 16 lessons, with content ranging from practical skills in financial management to principles in business ethics and leadership. With an interaction-based teaching methodology, the program facilitates high-level engagement and interaction. Currently, Alternativ offers 15 translations of the curriculum. See how training looks below.

How Training Looks


For each training, Altnerativ partners with like-minded organizations and local leaders to create an inviting workspace in a comfortable environment. Participants are warmly welcomed, individually interviewed, and directed to a small group table.

An engaging environment is cultivated through dream-development activities, intimate group discussions, and interactive exercises, including skits and games. The business content is practical, culturally-relevant, and full of ah-ha moments, as participants are encouraged to reframe their situations and think outside the box. 

The curriculum affirms the truth about each one’s value and unique giftedness. The 40-hour training concludes with a graduation ceremony. Before parting ways, the facilitation team, primarily comprised of local leaders, conducts individual interviews to gain immediate feedback on the training—classroom successes, ways to improve, and record participant’s personal next steps. Students are challenged to record the names of friends and family members with whom to share their experience, enabling the content to not only impact their lives, but the lives throughout the community.

See below for photos of past trainings.